ONE simple thing will make a big difference in the life of a child: ONE-on-ONE positive attention from a responsible, caring adult.
Did you know that some kids have never heard their name spoken with joy and celebration? They’ve heard it spoken in anger. They’ve heard it spoken with contempt. But joy?
Are you the ONE adult that can come alongside this child and speak their name with joy and celebration? Did you know that some kids rarely receive ONE-on-ONE attention? Teachers are unable to give focused ONE-on-ONE attention. Parents struggle balancing work and family. Eli (a 2nd grade boy in our community) told me that he has 5 siblings and his mom never has time for him.
Will you be the ONE adult that can come alongside the Eli's of our community and give them ONE-on-ONE attention?
The Ladder Community Center has partnered with Shelby Public Schools to provide mentors to grow a relationship with ONE child. We began our mentoring in January 2023. A trained mentor spends ONE hour a week reading, talking, playing and listening to ONE child at school. By helping the child feel loved and valued, they help that child learn, grow and succeed.
An elementary principal stated, “We can’t teach a child to read until they know they are loved. If Kids Hope can convince a child they matter, we can teach them to read.”
Are you the ONE adult that can convince a child that they matter? Mentors aren’t wanted…they are needed!
Ready to take the next step? We are currently accepting mentor applications for Fall 2024. Click the button below to complete the online mentor application. Email your completed application to Sue or print & deliver it to The Ladder.
Make a donation to The Ladder, earmarked "Kids Hope," to help offset the cost of training, background checks, supplies, etc. Click here for donation options.