We believe God’s inspired Word is the Bible, without error or fault in all its teaching, and is the only source, the authority of divine knowledge.
We believe in the Trinity, which is one God, in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe God sent his only Son, Jesus, to Earth as a male born of a virgin woman, to live a perfect life, to die on a cross as a sacrifice for our sin, to rise from the grave on the third day and to one day return to Earth.
We believe Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit to live within us, grow us and guide us as His disciples.
We believe all people are created in the image of God, male and female, beginning at conception and loved by Him. However, all sin separates us from God because God is holy, just, and hates sin.
We believe God ordained marriage as a sacred covenant between one man, one woman, and God. Intimacy and sexual relations are reserved for that marriage covenant.
We believe God created a real Heaven and a real Hell.
Trusting Jesus
We believe Jesus is the only path to restore our relationship with God. He restored our relationship by paying the penalty for our sin when he died on the cross.
We believe we can have a personal relationship with Jesus and spend eternity in Heaven with Him by believing and accepting what Jesus has done for us on the cross.
We believe Jesus desires the unity of his disciples as a powerful witness to the reality of God’s love.
We believe it is by grace we are saved, not by the works.
We believe our lives should honor God.
We believe God alone is our sole judge.
Philosophy of Ministry
We believe real Christian maturity is all about helping people pursue God. The Biblical word for this is discipleship. Jesus modeled relational discipleship.
We believe relational discipleship takes place in the context of caring relationships.
We believe relational discipleship is rooted in God’s truth.
We believe that pursuing God, living to bring honor and glory to God and helping others pursue God is a life-long endeavor.